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The Importance of Cleanliness in your Cannabis Cultivation Operation

Last Updated on Dec 13, 2017

As a marijuana grower it is important to ensure that your cannabis cultivation operation operates at its highest performance at all times. While this includes having the right commercial greenhouse design and equipment such as supplemental lights, fans, and climate regulation controllers, it also means that the entire space needs to be kept clean, as in immaculate. Keeping your grow area clean is absolutely critical because the cleanliness of your facility will determine everything else, including the health of your plants and the yield that you will get from your crop.

Why a Clean Grow Room is Important

If a grow room in your cannabis cultivation operation is haphazardly tended, the area can become unkempt and dirty very quickly and this may damage the quality and/or health of your plants. Here are some tips for keeping your grow room clean and why it is important to do so:

Pot Arrangement

Keeping your pots in neat rows will keep the plants together to provide a cleaner organization. In addition, this will ensure that your marijuana plants have equal access to air and light.


Use undertrays for all of your pots. An undertray will collect any excess moisture that drains from your plants. This keeps it off of the floor and ensures that the humidity levels do not get too high.

Clean All Spills

Be sure that you clean up any spills right away. Leaving a spill can negatively impact the humidity levels and encourage growth of bacteria and mold. It is also generally unsafe for workers to be walking in areas where there has been a spill of any kind.

Prune Your Plants

All dead leaves should be removed from the plants. Leaves that are dying or have decayed prevent quality plant growth in the future. In addition, these leaves are a breeding ground for bacteria. To keep your plants healthy, clean up any dead leaves that have fallen on the floor.

Air Intake Vent Filters

Using air intake vent filters will help to ensure that pests cannot enter your grow room from the outside. Clean your air intake filter once per month to ensure that the air is flowing smoothly. While you’re at it, check for bugs as well. Discovering a pest problem sooner than later increases your chances of implementing a solution to get rid of your insect issue before too much damage has been done to crops.

Clean Light Bulbs & Glass

Cleaning off the dust on your light bulbs and glass can help to keep dust off of your plants. In addition, cleaning the bulbs and glass in your greenhouse ensures that a consistent amount of light and heat are available for your plants to have the optimal growing conditions.

If you take the steps above, you should be able to easily keep your grow area clean. A clean grow area will produce the quality of plants that you desire and help your growing cannabis business continue to thrive.

For more information about running your own cannabis cultivation operation contact 3C today.


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